Search Results Reduced Inequalities

How can business support charities and NGOs’ vital work during and post COVID-19?
23rd April 2020, 4.30pm-5.30pm GMT. Charities, globally, are at the forefront of supporting the vulnerable. Now more than ever their work is critical and the needs are increasing every day. With charities heavily reliant on public and private sector funding, their survival and continued impact is at risk. How can businesses, small and large, help them continue their work during and post-crisis?
racial equity investing
Why racial equity investing is key to building a fairer society for all
Jochebed Bogunjoko has dedicated her career to pursuing social justice through finance. She has recently joined our partner the Responsible Business Initiative for Justice as its new Investor Advocacy Consultant. In Black History Month, she shares her story, what inspired her to get involved in justice reform, and the role investors play in creating a fairer and more equal society.
Introducing Accelerate – Working Together for Disability Inclusion
Meaningful Business and Untapped are excited to present Accelerate - a content stream dedicated to disability inclusion, with topics around employment, entrepreneurship and innovation. In this launch article, Anna Parisi and Suzy Christopher, co-founders of Untapped, articulate why true inclusion is a huge opportunity for businesses and what we hope to achieve with this partnership.
Why returning citizens should be given a chance
Chance Bleu-Montgomery has turned his life around after spending 16 years in prison, now dedicating his time to focus on inclusivity and breaking down barriers for others in his position. In this article, as part of our focus on 'Second Chances', he explains why employing returning citizens can unlock the hidden potential in some of society’s most resilient and determined individuals.
Aaron Clark
Second Chances – an interview with Justice Reskill’s Founder, Aaron Clark
Justice Reskill is on a mission to dissolve the wealth gaps affecting the justice-involved community nationwide. Through its skills-based curriculum, cohort-style learning community, and career-focused programming — all designed exclusively for those directly disadvantaged by the justice system — the organisation is opening doors to long-term prosperity and giving individuals the resources and support necessary to keep them open throughout their lifetimes. In this article, as part of our focus on 'Second Chances', Meaningful Business member, and Justice Reskill's Founder, Aaron Clark, shares why opening company doors to this population goes beyond merely diversifying the workplace, as there is an ‘enormous economic case’ that underpins its success.
Jeffrey Korzenik
Untapped Talent: How Second Chance Hiring Works for Your Business and the Community
Meaningful Business member, Jeffrey Korzenik, is the Chief Investment Strategist at one of the U.S's leading business banks, Fifth Third Bank, and is also a leading advocate for hiring individuals for criminal records. He recently released his book, 'Untapped Talent', which focuses on the business case and best practices around doing so. In this article, as part of our series on 'Second Chances', Jeffrey shares the economic rationale behind his work, and why businesses that don't adopt the talent strategy risk being left behind.
Q&A with Victoria Jenkins, Founder of Unhidden, an adaptive and sustainable fashion brand
Continuing our focus on disability and entrepreneurship, Untapped Co-Founder Anna Parisi spoke to Victoria Jenkins, a designer, disability advocate and founder of Unhidden Clothing. In 2003 Victoria was diagnosed with multiple digestive conditions and is now one of the estimated 1 in 7 people in the UK living with a hidden disability. The challenges of managing her disability in the workplace and a gap in the fashion market led her to found Unhidden, which she runs while working as a freelancer, running two other businesses and writing a book – ‘The Little eBook of Ableism.’
A Lifetime of Entrepreneurship – with Neil Barnfather MBE, VP, UK and Ireland, GoodMaps.
Continuing our look at disability and entrepreneurship, Untapped co-founder, Anna Parisi, spoke to Neil Barnfather, one of the UK’s most prolific entrepreneurs, to discuss resilience, challenging conventions and creating 19 successful businesses. Neil has enjoyed success in various sectors, from e-commerce to fintech. Today, he is VP, UK and Ireland, for GoodMaps, the company revolutionising how visually impaired people navigate indoor environments.
Social Justice and the Circular Economy – with Ashish Gadnis, Co-Founder & CEO, BanQu.
As part of our 'Regenerate' channel, we are considering the role the circular economy can play in advancing the creation of resilient communities through regenerative practices, job creation and education, and the value that can be created in the health, wellbeing and human rights sectors. We spoke to Ashish, co-founder and CEO of BanQu, on how little attention is paid to the human element of circular value chains, and how the circular economy is one of the biggest opportunities we have to create an equitable world and protect our planet at the same time.
Photo Fernando
Social Justice and the Circular Economy – with Fernando Lopez del Prado, Co-Founder, Sustaineers
As part of our 'Regenerate' channel, we are considering the role the circular economy can play in advancing the creation of resilient communities through regenerative practices, job creation and education, and the value that can be created in the health, wellbeing and human rights sectors. We spoke to Fernando, Co-Founder of Sustaineers Consultants, on the interconnection between social justice and circularity, and how we can create more opportunities in the transition from linear to circular systems.
Safi Organics
Social Justice and the Circular Economy – with Joyce Kamande, Co-Founder, Safi Organics.
As part of our 'Regenerate' channel, we are considering the role the circular economy can play in advancing the creation of resilient communities through regenerative practices, job creation and education, and the value that can be created in the health, wellbeing and human rights sectors. We spoke to Joyce, co-founder of Safi Organics, a social enterprise focused on the economic empowerment of rural smallholder farmers, improving their livelihoods through sustainable agriculture.
Red and White Quotes Instagram Post-4
Podcast: How the International Committee of the Red Cross is using sport to change attitudes towards disability in conflict zones
Continuing our look at disability and employment, Suzy Christopher, Co-Founder, Untapped - our Knowledge Partner for Accelerate - spoke to Jess Markt & Pat Glennon, from the International Committee of the Red Cross, who are delivering their physical rehabilitation and workforce inclusion programme using sport to change attitudes towards disabled people in conflict and war zones.
Justice Champion Spotlight: Porter Novelli and Conroy Boxhill
As part of our Reimagining Justice channel, we're profiling justice champions, shining a spotlight on the organisations and leaders working to build a more fair and equal society. For June, we are spotlighting an organisation that helps place justice at the heart of a corporation’s purpose: Porter Novelli.  Born from the idea that communication can advance society, they help companies stand up and speak out about the most pressing issues we face today - including the inequality and unfairness that pervades our justice system - with Conroy Boxhill (Managing Director, North America) leading the charge.
Dr. Hoang-Yen T.Vo
Interview with Dr. Hoang-Yen T.Vo, Founder and Director of Disability Research and Capacity Development, Vietnam
The Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD), is a non-profit organisation set up in 2005 to advocate for the rights and the quality of life for people with disabilities in Vietnam. We spoke with Dr. Hoang-Yen T.Vo, DRD founder to find out more about their work across Vietnam to promote inclusive employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Joe Deloss
Fried chicken and fair chances – how this company provides meaningful work to people with difficult pasts
As part of our Reimagining Justice channel, we're profiling justice champions, shining a spotlight on the organisations and leaders working to build a more fair and equal society. Joe Deloss is the Founder of Hot Chicken Takeover, a restaurant chain with the mission to provide supportive employment to men and women who need a fair chance at work, helping them to overcome circumstances such as previous incarceration, homelessness and addiction. In this article, Joe shares the wide-ranging benefits of employing fair chance hiring practices, both as a business and a community.
Tailor-made: how the ICRC is supporting women with disabilities in Niger
Following our discussion with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on improving the employment chances of disabled people in the world’s conflict zones, we are shining a spotlight on the organisation's work in supporting women with disabilities in Niger. This article is based on an interview between Suzy Christopher, Co-Founder of our Knowledge Partner, Untapped, and Elia Bernabeu Mira, Project Manager, Physical Rehabilitation, ICRC.
Furthering the UN Global Goals: how Paralympians are striving for more than medals
This month sees the start of the Paralympic Games, and we will explore the transferable skills between sport, employment and entrepreneurship, as well as highlight athletes who have set up businesses to tackle food poverty, mental health, childhood development and the disability employment gap. This is a collaboration with two of our Knowledge Partners, Untapped and thinkBeyond. In this article, Anna Parisi, Co-Founder, Untapped, shines a light on Paralympians who are focusing on social impact projects outside of their lives as athletes.
Justice Champion Spotlight: Tatiana Begault
As part of our Reimagining Justice channel, we're profiling justice champions, shining a spotlight on the organisations and leaders working to build a more fair and equal society. This month’s Justice Champion Spotlight falls on Tatiana Begault, Re-Entry Community Coordinator at Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Louisiana. Based in New Orleans, Tatiana utilises her in-depth understanding of mind and behaviour to help justice-impacted individuals successfully re-enter society in Louisiana - and works with businesses to do the same. We spoke to her about the need for meaningful second chances, and why employers should adopt fair hiring practices.
end the dehumanisation of people in prison and build safer societies
Justice Champion Spotlight: Raphael Rowe
As part of our Reimagining Justice channel, we're profiling justice champions, shining a spotlight on the organisations and leaders working to build a more fair and equal society. This month’s Justice Champion Spotlight falls on Raphael Rowe, journalist and presenter of Inside the World's Toughest Prisons. He discusses why he has set up the Raphael Rowe Foundation, and how he hopes it will advance his mission to end the dehumanisation of people in prison and build safer societies.
HiddenLight Productions
Justice Champion Spotlight: Johnny Webb, CEO, HiddenLight Productions
As part of our Reimagining Justice channel, in partnership with Responsible Business Initiative for Justice (RBIJ), we're profiling justice champions, shining a spotlight on the organisations and leaders working to build a more fair and equal society. This month's Justice Champion Spotlight is on the CEO of HiddenLight Productions, Johnny Webb. Interviewed here by RBIJ CEO, Celia Ouelette, he discusses using film as a tool to educate audiences on the iniquities of the justice system.
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Justice Champion Spotlight: Jeff Baldassari, CEO, U.S. Rubber Recycling
As part of our Reimagining Justice channel, in partnership with Responsible Business Initiative for Justice (RBIJ), we're profiling justice champions, shining a spotlight on the organisations and leaders working to build a more fair and equal society. This month's Justice Champion Spotlight is on the CEO of U.S. Rubber Recycling, Jeff Baldassari. Interviewed here by RBIJ CEO, Celia Ouelette, he discusses his Bounce Back! programme, creating meaningful opportunities, and second chances, for formerly incarcerated people.
Why disabled voices must be included in the climate crisis conversation
Disabled people are often on the frontline of the climate crisis, yet their voices are largely excluded from conversations on solutions to it. In this article, Anna Parisi, Co-Founder, Untapped, discusses the steps businesses can take to help ensure marginalised groups are not left behind. Part of our disability inclusion focused channel, Accelerate.
Anna Parisi
Fighting for disability rights in the post-COVID era
To mark International Day for Persons with a Disability (IDPD), Anna Parisi, Co-Founder, Untapped, highlights some of the individuals leading the charge to remove barriers preventing people with disabilities from participating fully in social and economic life.  Part of our disability inclusion focused channel, Accelerate.
Izabela Ersahin
What leaders should know about integrating refugees into their organisations
UNHCR estimates that global forced displacement has surpassed 84 million at mid-2021, which includes internally displaced, refugees and asylum-seekers. In addition to persecution and conflict, natural disasters are also forcing people to seek refuge in other countries. We're speaking with experts and business leaders to understand how businesses can do their part in supporting displaced people, and integrate them into the economy.
change the narrative surrounding refugees
How ‘co-creation fashion’ is helping to change the narrative surrounding refugees
UNHCR estimates that global forced displacement has surpassed 84 million at mid-2021, which includes internally displaced, refugees and asylum-seekers. In addition to persecution and conflict, natural disasters are also forcing people to seek refuge in other countries. We're speaking with experts and business leaders to understand how businesses can do their part in supporting displaced people, and integrate them into the economy.
How to support Pride authentically as a small business owner
In support of Pride month, we’re speaking to business leaders on what more businesses can do to help bring greater inclusivity and safety to the workplace for LGBTQ+ people. In this article, Joseph Williams, Co-Founder & CEO of inclusive recruitment platform Clu and Co-Founder & CEO & Advisor at ParaPride, highlights the unique position entrepreneurs and small business owners are in to do more to support Pride with authenticity, and the business case for it.
How companies can create inclusive workplaces for the LGBTQ+ community.
In support of Pride month, we’re speaking to business leaders on what more businesses can do to help bring greater inclusivity and safety to the workplace for LGBTQ+ people. In this article, Emma L'Amour (Gunn), CEO of Re-Balance, explains what companies can do to nurture and encourage the next generation of LGBTQIA+ employees and leaders.
Alex Stephany
Alex Stephany

Alex Stephany is the Founder & CEO of Beam, the world’s first platform to crowdfund job training for homeless people…

Ali Parsa

Dr Ali Parsa is a British-Iranian healthcare entrepreneur and engineer. He’s the Founder and CEO of Babylon, the revolutionary AI…

Brad Jones

Brad Jones is the CEO of Wave Money. Brad is an experienced executive specializing in digital finance, mobile money and…

Christopher Miller

Chris Miller is the Global Activism Strategy Manager at Ben & Jerry’s, a unique position within the corporate world focused…

Elmarie Potgieter

Elmarié Potgieter is the Founder and Managing Director of RITE Education. She has extensive international experience in leading the development,…

Evin Schwartz

Evin Schwartz is the Founder and CEO of Belouga, a digital education platform providing teachers and students with the ability…

Federico Miatton

Federico Miatton is the Co-Founder and CTO of, where he is currently leading the development of a platform that…

Frida Polli

Frida Polli, PhD, MBA is an award-winning Harvard and MIT trained neuroscientist turned entrepreneur. She is the Co-Founder and CEO…

George Akilimali

George Akilimali is a social entrepreneur and technology enthusiast. He is the founder and CEO of Smartcore, a social enterprise,…

Godspromise Anthony

Godspromise Anthony is a social entrepreneur passionate about education. He is the Founder of iSkill Network, an ICT hub that…

K Chandrasekhar

K.Chandrasekhar (KC) is the Founder and CEO of Forus Health, an organisation working on the mission of eradicating preventable blindness…

Liz Powers

Liz Powers is the Co-Founder and Chief Happiness Spreader at ArtLifting, a business that empowers artists impacted by homelessness and…

Mike Brady

Mike Brady is a forward-thinking business executive, entrepreneur and non-profit leader specializing in using the power of business to drive…

Nabeel Siddiqui
Nabeel Siddiqui

Nabeel Siddiqui is a civil engineer by profession working on eliminating the global housing problem through better use of technology…

Naziba Naila Wafa

Naziba Naila Wafa is the Co-Founder of Resurgence, a social enterprise that is revolutionising menstrual hygiene in low-income communities through…

Robson Melo

Robson Melo is passionate about education and is the Co-Founder and CEO of Estante Mágica, a social impact company that…

Samantha Payne

Samantha Payne is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Open Bionics; an award-winning startup developing low-cost bionic hands that…

Simba Mubvuma

Simba Mubvuma is a lawyer and access to justice entrepreneur from Zimbabwe. A self-taught coder, Simba is Co-Founder and CEO…

Uche Udekwe

Uche Kenneth Udekwe is a social entrepreneur, an SDG Advocate and Founder and CEO of Natal Cares. Natal Cares is…

Andrew Douglass
Andrew Douglass

Andrew Douglass is the Co-Founder and CEO of Innovision, a live & virtual event and experiential marketing agency. He has…

Anny Tubbs
Anny Tubbs

Anny Tubbs is a lawyer and corporate executive turned multimedia producer and documentary filmmaker based in Brussels. Inspired by individuals…

Celia Ouellette
Celia Ouellette

Celia Ouelette is the CEO of Responsible Business Initiative for Justice (RBIJ), a nonprofit which works with companies to champion…

Dave Linton
Dave Linton

Dave Linton is the Founding Director of Maldug (Making a Difference Luggage), a lifestyle brand raising awareness of the lives…

David Esteban Perez
David Esteban Pérez

David Pérez is the Chief Financial Officer at Ruh Global IMPACT, a strategic communications and digital marketing firm enabling businesses…

Gaelle Mogli
Gaëlle Mogli

Gaëlle Mogli is the Founder and CEO of ConnectAID, a pioneer social impact network which combines a humanitarian social media…

James Fellowes
James Fellowes

James Fellowes is the Co-Founder of The Bridge of Hope, a link between charities with highly employable clients and progressive…

Kamel Hothi
Kamel Hothi

Dr Kamel Hothi OBE is the Non-Executive Director of TLC Lions, a group of ordinary people who are striving to…

Leila McKenzie
Leila McKenzie-Delis

Leila McKenzie-Delis is the Founder and CEO of DIAL Global, a worldwide movement of people from all cultures and walks…

Marie Johnson
Marie Johnson

Marie Johnson is the Managing Director of the Centre for Digital Business, an Australian global entrepreneurial thought leader and practitioner…

Mark Evans
Mark Evans

Mark Evans is the Managing Director of Marketing and Digital for Direct Line Group, leading brand transformation at one of…

Martine Cadet
Martine Cadet

Martine Cadet is VP Social Impact at Pymetrics, a software company transforming the future of work. She leads pymetrics’ advocacy,…

Peter Ackred
Peter Ackred

Peter Ackred is the Founder and CEO of Disability Sports Coach, a charity that provides award-winning sport and physical activity…

Suzy Christopher
Suzy Christopher

Suzy led BT’s award-winning London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games sponsorship, including the BT Paralympic World Cup, media partnerships with…

Debra Ruh, CEO & Founder, Ruh Global
Debra Ruh

Debra Ruh is an American business woman and advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities. She founded TecAccess, which…

Lord Michael Hastings
Michael Hastings

Lord (Michael) Hastings of Scarisbrick CBE is Chancellor of Regent’s University London, independent peer in the House of Lords and…

Marieme Jamme
Mariéme Jamme

Lady Mariéme Jamme is a Senegalese-born British businesswoman who works extensively across civil society, government and the private sector to…

Sancia Dalley
Sancia Dalley

As the Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Programme Director of RFK Human Rights’ Compass Investor Programme, Sancia Dalley…

Cemal Ezel
Cemal Ezel

Cemal Ezel is the Founder of Change Please CIC, Old Spike Roastery and Coal Rooms Restaurants. Change Please is a…

Florian Kemmerich

Florian is Managing Partner of Bamboo Capital Partners, Founder of Ryan-Kay and Board Member of numerous organisations. He holds a…

Kwame Ajamu
Kwame Ajamu

Kwame Ajamu was a teenager in Cleveland, Ohio, when he was sentenced to death in 1975 for the murder-robbery of…

Arzu Pinar Demirel
Arzu Pınar Demirel

Arzu is the Founder of Headline Diversity, the first and only Diversity & Inclusion consultancy in Turkey. Headline Diversity supports…

Durreen Shahnaz
Durreen Shahnaz

Durreen Shahnaz is the Founder and CEO of Impact Investment Exchange (IIX). As a pioneer in social impact, Shahnaz has…

Pamela Chng (1)
Pamela Chng

Pam is a trailblazing entrepreneur dedicated to changing lives through coffee.  After spending part of her career in advertising and…

Ashish Gadnis
Ashish Gadnis

Ashish Gadnis is the Co-Founder and CEO of BanQu, which was recently named to the TIME Magazine 2019 Innovations List. …

Arash Tayebi
Arash Tayebi

Arash Tayebi is an entrepreneur and the CEO of Kara Technologies, a tech start-up based in Auckland, New Zealand. Arash has a…

Luis Von Ahn
Luis Von Ahn

Luis von Ahn is an entrepreneur and former computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University who is considered one of…

Khadija Jallouli
Khadija Jallouli

Khadija Jallouili is the CEO of HawKar. She’s a disabled person who has always struggled to be independent and who…

Robin Tombs
Robin Tombs

Robin is a serial tech entrepreneur and investor. He is Co-Founder and CEO of Yoti, the digital identity app, with…

Mehdi Salehi
Mehdi Salehi

Mehdi lives, breaths and dreams all things drones. He has been a drone pilot for the last two years and…

Roberta Ventura
Roberta Ventura

Roberta Ventura left her twenty-year career in Investment Banking and Asset Management in 2016, to run the Social Enterprise she…

Bruno Mahfuz
Bruno Mahfuz

Bruno Mahfuz, was elected in 2018 as one of the 35 main innovators under 35 in Latin America by the…

Cara Boccieri
Cara Boccieri

As the Founder of Akamae and the Co-creation Fashion Movement, Cara Boccieri lives with remote refugee communities in Mae Hong…

Moky Makura

Moky Makura was born in Nigeria, educated in England and has lived in London, Johannesburg and Lagos. She is the…

Anna Parisi

Anna Parisi is a marketing consultant whose experience spans branding, PR, marketing communications, sponsorship and corporate responsibility. From May 2011 to…

Brandon Burke
Brandon Burke

Brandon Burke is Co-Founder and CEO of LegWorks, a Buffalo-based for-profit social enterprise with the mission to enable amputees globally…

Darius Habamenshi
Darius Habamenshi

Darius Habamenshi is the Managing Director at Abahizi Rwanda, an East-African social entreprise that supplies luxurious handbags to global fashion…

Eric Kim
Eric Kim

Eric Kim is Co-Founder and CEO at Dot Inc. Since 2015, Dot has reinvented accessibility for the visually impaired with…

Francesco Piazzesi
Francesco Piazzesi

Francesco Piazzesi grew up in Mexico passionate about building communities for families who do not have opportunities to access adequate…

James Mwangi
James Mwangi

James Mwangi is CEO and Group Managing Director at Equity Group Holdings – a financial services holding company based in…

Jerrica Kirkley
Jerrica Kirkley

Jerrica Kirkley is the Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer at Plume, an innovative company that provides gender-affirming hormone therapy via…

Joao Leal
João Leal

João Leal is Co-Founder and CEO of Árvore, the largest digital reading platform for basic education in Brazil. Graduated in…

Juliet Namujju
Juliet Namujju

Juliet Namujju is a female changemaker, entrepreneur, fashion designer, wastepreneur, environmentalist and innovator. She is also the founder of Kimuli…

Keely Cat-Wells
Keely Cat-Wells

Keely Cat-Wells is an Entrepreneur and Disability Activist dedicated to making social, systemic, and economic change. As the Founder and…

Marisa Drew
Marisa Drew

Marisa Drew was appointed as the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) for Standard Chartered Bank as of 1 July 2022. In…

Mauricio Meza
Mauricio Meza

Mauricio Meza is the Co-Founder and CEO of Komodo Openlab, makers of Tecla, an assistive device that enables access to…

Melis Büyüksan
Melis Buyuksan

Melis Büyüksan is a Turkish female entrepreneur as the Founder and Managing Director of Medlis Ramps, the first wheelchair ramps…

Cure Bionics
Mohamed Dhaouafi

Mohamed is the Founder and CEO of Cure Bionics, a Tunisian-based Medtech startup that offers 3D-printed, muscle-controlled and customisable bionics…

René Espinoza
René Espinoza

René Espinoza is the CEO at Lazarillo, a free app for the blind and visually impaired which guides users through…

Ryan Gersava
Ryan Gersava

Ryan Gersava is a millennial social entrepreneur, educator, and diversity and inclusion champion. He is the Founder and President of…

Shona McDonald
Shona McDonald

Shona is the Founder and Director of Shonaquip which was first established in 1992. She is also the Founder and…

Zakia Moulaoui Guery
Zakia Moulaoui Guery

Originally from the South of France, Zakia moved to Scotland when she was 21 years old. For several years, she…

Alejandro Souza

Named one of the five ‘Coolest social entrepreneurs of Mexico’ by Red Bull, Alejandro has launched social enterprises in Rwanda,…

Kelvin Tan

Kelvin is the CEO of Project ID, an organisation that designs innovative student-centric experiences focused on leadership, social-emotional learning, and…

Aniket Doegar

Aniket is the Co-Founder and CEO of Haqdarshak Empowerment Solutions, a social impact organisation working on easing access to welfare….

Aly Abdelrazek_Bonocle
Abdelrazek Aly

Abdelrazek is the Co-Founder and CEO of Bonocle – a startup aimed at improving the lives of the blind community…

Sanket Mehta

Sanket is the Founder of Nutrifresh Farm Tech, an agritech startup focused on helping Indian farmers leverage modern technology to…

Victoria Kisyombe

Victoria is the Founder of Selfina, a company in Tanzania that provides micro-leasing to widows and young girls. Victoria is…

Abrahim Shah

Abrahim is an engineer turned entrepreneur focused on making innovation affordable. During his engineering degree his friend lost a leg…

Aradhana Lal

Aradhana leads Sustainability and ESG Initiatives at Lemon Tree Hotels. The company’s strategy is to build an inclusive employee base…

Vaibhav Lodha

Vaibhav is the Co-Founder of ftcash, empowering 60+ million underserved micro-merchants in India through financial inclusion using digital payments and…

Christian Chandran

Christian is the Global Engagement Leader for EMEA & APAC within Amazon Social Responsibility, working with suppliers and stakeholders in…

Adam Huh Dam_Stick ‘Em
Adam Huh Dam

Adam Huh Dam is the Co-Founder at Stick ‘Em and Country Manager for Tikkun Olam Makers – Singapore. As a…

Andrea Kestenbaum_ Positive Ventures
Andrea Kestenbaum

Andrea is the Co-Founder, CEO and a member of the Investment Committee at Positive Ventures. Positive Ventures is an entrepreneurs-run…

Anthony So_OnMyGrad
Anthony So

Anthony, a Hong Kong native, overcame poverty to become a management trainee for a property conglomerate. He is a HKJC…

Danilo Costa_Educbank
Danilo Costa

Danilo Costa is Founder of Educbank, a fintech that allows access to capital for schools in Latin America. Graduating in…

Edward Booty_reach52
Edward Booty

Edward is the Founder & CEO of reach52; a tech startup on a mission to connect the 52% of the…

Dr. Ishani Roy_Serein
Ishani Roy

A scientist by training, Ishani has a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Brown University. Her dissertation was on developing mathematical…

Jaime de Piniés_Blue Marble
Jaime de Piniés

Jaime is the CEO of Blue Marble, a leading impact insurtech building the climatic and financial resilience of underserved communities…

Saif Rashid_Apon Wellbeing
Saif Rashid

A visionary in fintech and retail tech, Saif is acclaimed for his transformative impact, notably as the Founder of Apon,…

Ankit Agarwal

Ankit Agarwal is the Founder & CEO of, a social enterprise that has pioneered the ‘flowercycling®’ technologies to reduce…

Ronaldo Cohin_Jade Autism
Ronaldo Cohin

Ronaldo Cohin is the CEO of Jade Autism which develops educational software which focuses on supporting professionals in offering an…

Andrea Sullivan_Bank of America
Andrea Sullivan

In her executive role, Andrea is responsible for the bank’s social and environment strategy and its integration with the bank’s…

Akshita Sachdeva

Akshita Sachdeva is the Co-Founder of Trestle Labs, an AI-Tech company in the intelligent document processing space. Its focus is…

Amy Blair

Amy Blair is the Founder & CEO of Batik Boutique, an award winning social enterprise in Malaysia. Established in 2013,…

Andrew_Almack_Plastics for change_Square
Andrew Almack

Andrew Almack is the Founder & CEO of Plastics for Change, the world’s largest source of fair trade verified recycled…

Durga Das

Durga Das is the Founder of Aeronero, at the forefront of revolutionising the water industry through innovative air water generation…

Evelyn Chilomo-Kaingu

Evelyn Kaingu is the Co-Founder & CEO of Lupiya, an AI powered pan-African neobank that streamlines financial services. With an…

Hunny Bhagchandani

Hunny Bhagchandani is the Founder of Torchit, a social enterprise dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities through affordable and innovative…

Isabelle Mashola

Isabelle Mashola is the Co-Founder & President of isahit, an ethical platform that provides an on-demand workforce for digital tasks…

Jacob Hill

Jacob Hill is the Founder of Offploy, an organisation committed to reducing reoffending by enabling individuals with convictions to secure…

Priya Naik

Priya Naik is the Founder & CEO of Samhita, an impact catalyst and alliance builder. Samhita and its non profit,…

Mohamed_Aburawi_Atarona Ventures_Square (1)
Mohamed Aburawi

Dr. Mohamed Aburawi is the Founder & CEO of Atarona Ventures, where he leads the creation and scaling of transformational,…

Nan Gibson

Nan Gibson is Executive Director at the JPMorganChase PolicyCenter. She directs the Second Chance, Careers & Skills, and Economic Security Net…

Julia Olofsson

Julia Olofsson is the Global Director Human Rights and Social Impact at Ingka Group (IKEA) where she is responsible for…

Kansiime Honest Fortunate

Kansiime Honest Fortunate is the Founder & CEO of Mapalo Investments, a company dedicated to revolutionising feminine hygiene in Africa….

Phil Slade

Phil Slade is the Co-Founder & CEO of Switch4Schools, a company dedicated to increasing emotional intelligence worldwide to improve mental…

Max_Dubiel_Redemption Roasters_Square
Max Dubiel

Max Dubiel Co-founded Redemption Roasters in 2016 with Ted Rosner after they were approached by the Ministry of Justice about…

Max Simpson

Max Simpson is the Founder & CEO of Steps, which provides access to meaningful and appropriate transitions to employment pathways…

David_Friedman_Autonomy Works_Square
David Friedman

David Friedman is the Founder & CEO of AutonomyWorks, which employs a team of people with autism to deliver exceptional…

Abel_Sakhau_Sanlam Group_Square
Abel Sakhau

Abel Sakhau is the Chief Sustainability Officer of Sanlam Group, Africa’s largest non-banking financial services group. With over two decades…