Dr. Ebinabo is the Co-Founder and CEO of GeroCare Solutions, a multi-award winning healthtech company pioneering medical inclusion by leveraging technology to provide access to medical care for under-served segments of people across Africa beginning with the elderly and those in rural areas.
He has been a medical doctor for over 20 years and a business and blue ocean strategy consultant for 11 years. He has a passion for starting and growing businesses and is a public speaker, start up coach and the author of a series of books in the Dr. Ebi Ofrey Business Advisory Series – Attract Customers and Investors Like A Magnet, Becoming a God kind of millionaire, Innovate at will, silencing dream killers and Success:Simple but not easy.
He has a degree in medicine and surgery from the University Ibadan, Nigeria, a certificate in Geriatric Care from the University of Benin and University of Ibadan and Teaching Hospital, an MBA from UCSI University Malaysia as well as a being a trained Blue ocean strategy practitioner.