Dr. Roland Busch is Deputy CEO, Chief Technology Officer, Labor Director, Chief Human Resources Officer and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG. In his current role, Roland is responsible for building the next generation of Siemens, creating value for customers and society through digitalisation and IoT as well as driving the company’ own digital transformation. Roland is also responsible for boosting Siemens’ innovation strengths, improving business and operational performance and for the implementation of the next phases of the strategy program Vision 2020+ together with the Siemens board. He oversees Next47, the global venture firm of Siemens, which focuses on technology companies in areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, IoT and robotics. He leads the company’s sustainability and carbon neutral initiatives. In addition, he is responsible for Siemens Mobility GmbH, a leader in intelligent mobility solutions. Roland believes it’s important to strike a balance between the challenges of today and future developments, by embracing new technologies and trends early on, while always pursuing a customer-centric approach and building up compelling ecosystems. For Roland, an invention is only an innovation when it satisfies a genuine customer need, if there is a business model to support it and if it delivers customer value in a sustainable and profitable manner.