Giovanna Jagger is the Co-Founder and former Head of Business Development of Woken Up, a new global social network with the 17 UN SDG’s at its heart. It brings together individuals, nonprofits, companies and other platforms that are making a difference by taking action on today’s pressing social and environmental issues – from climate and sustainability to diversity and beyond. Giovanna is also the Founder and former CEO of Panoptic Global Solutions, which helps organisations to become sustainable, environmentally compliant and profitable. She is currently a Senior Director of ESG & Market Development at the International WELL Building Institute, aiming to create and certify spaces that advance human health and well-being. She is a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce). Giovanna is currently the Business Development Director of World Wide Generation, a sustainability reporting FinTech company which is championing trusted data and measuring impact on their G17eco platform.