Meet the Judges at the 2021 MB100 Forum

Judges from this year’s MB100 discuss the trends they saw in the nominations, ideas and innovations that excited them and what they hope the 2021 MB100 leaders can achieve.

Recorded at the 2021 Meaningful Business 100 Forum. Sponsored by EY


2021-Forum, Ambassadors, JUDGES 2021, JUDGES 2022, JUDGES 2023, JUDGES 2024, meet-the-judges, paysend-event-1
Chair, Centre for Global Equality
2021-Forum, 2022-Forum-ait, Ambassadors, JUDGES 2021, meet-the-judges
Founder, MikeBarryeco & Board Trustee, A Blueprint for Better Business
2021-Forum, Ambassadors, JUDGES 2021, meet-the-judges
Director, Public Affairs & Sustainable Finance Lead,
Kenya Bankers Association
2021-Forum, meet-the-judges
Global Director, Corporate Responsibility (Commercial and Innovation), EY
2021-Forum, Ambassadors, Food Security in a Pandemic - How Business Can Help, JUDGES 2021, meet-the-judges, Speakers, tom-snigdha-video
Founder, AccelerateWise
2021-Forum, meet-the-judges, Team, test-event, tom-snigdha-video
Founder & CEO, Meaningful Business


You can find the recordings of the other sessions at the 2021 MB100 Forum below:


Scaling Impact – How to turn innovative ideas into mainstream businesses

Investing in Impact – What makes a happy marriage?

Partnering for Impact – What is the key to successful collaborations?

Measuring Impact – How do you know you’re making a difference?

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