
Boluwatife Arewa

Boluwatife Arewa is Co-Founder at Scrapays, a cleantech disruptor empowering recycling value chains in emerging economies. A versatile leader skilled…

Arun Sreyas

Arun’s passion for motorsports and technology began at a young age. He worked as a powertrain engineer, turbocharging machines that…

Alexander Gillet

Alexander Gillett is the CEO of HowGood, an independent research company and SaaS data platform with the world’s largest database…

Ajinkya Dhariya

Ajinkya Dhariya is Founder & CEO at PadCare Labs. After graduating as a mechanical engineer, he started PadCare Labs in…

Eric Lee

Eric Lee is a Senior Vice President with Aligned Climate Capital, an asset manager that invests exclusively in the companies…

Fajar Kelana

Fajar is Co-Founder & COO of Banoo which aims to help improve people’s food resilience by providing affordable technology that…

Gary Bennett

Gary has over 30 years of contact centre experience, 18 of these in Africa, for both outsourced and client environments….

Idris Bello

Idris Bello, a self-described ‘Afropreneur’, is a Founding Partner at LoftyInc Capital, an Africa focused early stage venture capital firm….

Joren Vallaeys

Joren Vallaeys, an electromechanical engineer and visionary entrepreneur, has been transforming the orthopedic industry as one of the driving forces…

Rachel Bannon-Godfrey

Rachel is a Vice President and the UN SDG Impact Leader for Stantec, focused on implementing a culture of sustainability…